Worldwide Landscapes
Angol nyelvű konferencia a kortárs tájépítészeti tendenciákról, szociális tervezésről, fenntartható megoldásokról
A Tájépítészet Hónapja keretében
A Magyar Tájépítészek Szövetsége, a SZIE Tájépítészeti és Településtervezési Kara és a MÉK Tájépítészeti Tagozata szervezésében
16.30 Andreja Tutundzic (IFLA representative of Serbia): Refugee landscapes: temporary landscape across the borders with the influence of climate change
17.10 Nawarah Albasha – Maison Wannous – Nebras Khadour (Syria, MLA Students of SZIE): Public Space Adaptations in Crises, „Manifestations from Syria”
17.30 Gentrit Krasniqi (Kosovo, MLA Student of SZIE): Post-war playgrounds: playing with the street
17.45 Michael Jakob (Switzerland): Why landscape architecture (really) matters?
Prof. Theory and History of Landscape hepia (Geneva) // Politecnico di Milano // Accademia di Mendrisio
18.20 Iva Rechner Dika (Croatia): Croatian landscape architecture in the 21st century – education and practice
Assist. Prof of University of Zagreb, Department of ornamental plants, landscape architecture and garden art
18.40 Nico Tillie (Netherland): Synergetic Urban Landscape Planning’ – evolving towards future environments
ass. Professor, Landscape Architecture and research fellow urban Ecology, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
19.00 Endre Ványolós (Romania): Rethinking (public) water in Cluj Napoca: a competition, a design/planning process, and a community building experience
Urban planner (Planwerk), Ass. Lecturer at Sapientia EMTE, TU of Cluj Napoca
19.20 Nguyễn Cẩm Dương Ly (Vietnam): Vietnamese Landscape Architecture – From Traditional to Modern Identities
Head of Landscape Architecture Department, Urban Planning Faculty, Ho Chi Minh City