2021. október 29. péntek 19:00
Nyelv, nacionalizmus és a művészi szabadság kora a kora 21. századi Európában
Language, nationalism and free art in the early 21st century’s Europe
Élő internetes közvetítés, workshopok és nyilvános vita | Live streaming, workshop, public debate
Even though our language is a strong and defining part of our personality, national identity and our local culture it is still a flexible, always changing own entity which keeps reflecting the current changes of our society, politics and everyday lives. If the language knows and feels how our use of words and grammar changes by online platforms and it influences the style of our oral conversations, journalism and even literature, it seems obvious that if our politics move into a populist, nationalist or other radical directions the language, the general style of speech and literary waves will also mirror these changes. For an Eastern European author it is a child’s game to reproduce and/or make a parody of the dull, empty but over-complicated official language of the past socialist regimes, but how the latest political tendencies use the language as a tool and how it appears in timely literary works? The open debate with internationally well-known authors, linguists and political experts and the workshops for university students in Budapest will analyse these questions and aim to trace down the same sings in our everyday, political and artistic language.
A European Alliance of Academies és a Szépírók Társasága rendezvénye a Royal Society of Literature, a Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde és a Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung együttműködésével.
A programon szinkrontolmácsolást biztosítunk.
Támogató: Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb)